I’ll be having NUN of that…

portrait of a drag queen artist disguised as catholic nun

When I was 18 years old, I applied to be a nun. That’s right. Me, the now 52-year-old nutcase, ex professional squash player, former prescription-medication-consumer, and raging homosexual. “God has Bigger Plans for you”, came the written reply from the Mother Superior in 1989. It was penned in the most exquisite cursive letters, with such […]

I Have an Agent!

Business woman read a documents for signing a contract,

Talk to my Agent! I’ve always wanted to say that! Last week, I secured representation with WGM Talent Agency in the UK. I couldn’t wait to share this exciting news with all of you. Many of you have been on my journey with me since I started my blog in July of 2021. I was […]

And on the seventh day, the universe created ChatterBoxx

A Laugh Affair From the page to the stage My blog is at the 2 year mark, and I’m grateful to all my readers for sticking with me, following along as I bumble my way into the world of writing, screenplays, and would you believe… a bit of stand-up comedy. How did it all happen? […]

Where in the World?

Question mark

This is the question of the hour in my life right now. I’ve been absent from blogging for almost two months. Life is not always smooth like my favourite peanut butter. It’s the challenges thrown at us, that build us up and make us stronger. If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you’ll know […]

Keep Going!

Keep going inscription on colorful background

It’s hard to believe we are already knee-deep in February. Where did January go? Where did I go? I hear you say! In general, I’m not a fan of New Year’s Eve. Gone are the days of being at the pub, getting sloshed on Southern Comfort and red, and dancing like a fool on a […]

To blog, or not to blog…

Female gymnast practicing gymnastics on the balance beam

That has been the question of the month for me. As I enter my second year as a ‘writer’, it’s been interesting to watch myself – the writer in me – unfold. It’s not as if I stand in front of the mirror each morning and say ‘ah look at you, you big writer!’. I […]

Celebrating ONE YEAR of Blogging.

first year baby girl's birthday party day.

Cute photo eh? That’s my one year old blog-self. It’s been a year since I started. YES! Another excuse for a glass of my usual. But wait, it’s Wednesday – a non-drinking day… but it’s been a year! But it’s Wednesday. Doesn’t matter, I’m 51 and I give myself permission to celebrate with a full […]

Taking Flight – Part Three

Air traffic control tower in Vigo airport Spain

My father was an Air Traffic Controller for 40 years. Starting out in Shannon Airport in the early 60’s, he moved to Dublin, where his ambition and drive forged the way for him to become one of Irelands leading ATC instructors. In 1993, he accepted a position in Luxembourg, where he became Head of Training […]

Do Ye Fancy a Dance?

Heap of vintage audio cassettes. Retro music concept background.

I’ve spent the last year living in Prague, with my partner and her two teenage kids. One, an almost 18-year-old girl, was out with her pals the other night and came home an hour later than the time she was told by her mom to be home. I’ve never been a parent, but I found […]

MASSive Attack

Glass full of various jewelry

Who remembers those Sunday mornings in the early 80’s? I certainly do. Waking up around 8am with that dread in the pit of my stomach. It’s Sunday. My little brain would try to wish it away. Staring at the wall, the one with the poster of ABBA on it, I wondered if Agnetha would snuggle […]

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